If you reach the stage in your life where you find it difficult to manage all of the tasks associated with independent living, you or your carer might need support.
There are a range of services available to assist people to manage at home, including community nursing, meal services, home help and transport. You can contact your local AIDS council or people living with HIV organisation for information on services in your area.
Some people may find they need to consider other living arrangements, particularly as they get older, such as retirement homes or supported accommodation.
The steps involved in seeking government support, which will involve assessment of your situation by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), are the same for all ageing Australians.
For help from government-funded services, it is likely that you will receive a visit from one or two members of an ACAT. The appointment might arise from a referral by a doctor, community nurse or social worker, or direct contact by you with an ACAT.
The ACAT will consider your individual situation and provide advice and/or referral to appropriate residential or community care services (e.g.. Home and Community Care (HACC), Community Aged Care Packages (CACPs) or Extended Aged Care at Home (EACH) Packages).
Aged care assistance takes many forms. Depending on your situation, it can involve help with staying at home, short-term care, aged care homes and allied health services that promote emotional and physical wellbeing, such physiotherapy, speech therapy, podiatry, counselling and occupational therapy.
If all of this is new to you, valuable, comprehensive information about government services and the steps needed to contact them is available at the Aged Care Australia site.